Saturday, 8 October 2011

Something Different!

I'll tell you more about this dolls house another day, I'm very tired after  LONG day at work today! It's another dolls house that I own (but didn't build myself) and have furnished. You'll notice Buxton the Grocer behind the counter, a doll!! (if only an inexpensive resin one) but he fits in quite well I think. I was aiming for a traditional 1930's grocery store when I started, I think it looks quite authentic!


  1. Bravo Andy! The store looks gorgeous! We need more photos, please! Rest and show us more details tomorrow! Thank you very much for including a doll ... It's great!!!

    A strong and big bear hug!

  2. Andy Your sore looks wonderful,and Buxton is perfect. Just another little place I want to shrink down and have a wee look.

    I must tell you Andy I have all ready done a bit of detective work and i knew you had another dollhouse.....a Tudor style house......?

    Its a bit cheeky of me to say and I hope I haven't haven't spilt any beans, I noticed yesterday when I was looking at the picture of the exterior of your house and I noticed just to the side of the image there was another house. I was very intrigued and was going to ask you about it but I had such a busy day I didn't get to.

    I'm sure we would all love to see it, if Buxtons grocery store is any indication it must be lovely. Pretty please.....

  3. Andy, the styling is spot-on! What a great job! (And you're right: Buxton fits in perfectly!

  4. The store looks fantastic and very authentic ! I noticed the Tudor house yesterday and I love to see more pictures of them.Buxton looks great in the scene ! Jeannette

  5. I love this! You've caught the essence of the period very well and Buxton certainly looks the part.

  6. Thank you Pedrete, I will try and add some more pictures of the shop later, pleased you liek teh doll!!
    hugs back!

  7. Fi you do have a keen eye! I hadn't even noticed that the tudor house was showing in my other photo! Yes, I actually have three dolls houses now, the large Georgian house, and another project still under wraps, which I have built myself, and the Tudor house which was built by my partner David's father several years ago. I'll let you know more about it when I have some pictures to add to the blog.

  8. Cheers John, and thanks for the info you gave me on your paint techniques, will check out how you did the brick work later!

  9. Hello Jeannette, another keen eyed blogger there! Buxton gets his name from a strange blue cat that once appeared in a film version of the children's TV show Magic Roundabout! why I connected a blue cat with Mr Buxton the grocer is anyone's guess!

  10. thanks Irene, you are always very kind about my work, glad you like the shop, and Mr Buxton. I'll get some more pictures sorted!
