I went to the Miniatura in Birmingham back in late March, it was good to get there again as I missed both shows last year. It's nice to meet with some of the miniaturists and crafts people at the shows and to pick up a few tips.
As always I had a great time looking at the huge variety of miniatures on sale, and it is satisfying to meet the people who made them and to look at the objects before buying. I bought more leather bound books from Ellie de Lacy (www.elliedelacy.co.uk), my book cases are taking FOREVER to fill!! ;) I also bought a very handsome portable globe in a case from Truly Scrumptious (www.trulyscrumptiousonline.com), which would have been a must for any wealthy gentleman in the 18th century.
These have now been settled down in the Library. Just look at those empty shelves!!
I have been thinking about replacing the serpentine tables in the Drawing Room for sometime, They were miniature white wood kits that weren't finished very well by me. They looked ok, and are still being used in the house, but I have finally been able to replace them in the Drawing Room.
John Hodgson's gilt pier tables were perfect! (www.johnjhodgson.com).
I needed a pair, which was a bit costly, but I wanted to be sure that the tables matched, and this meant buying them together rather than waiting and only buying one at a time. That match the Adam-esque style I have aimed for in this room, and the gilt finish picks up on other gilt details in this room.
And here is the room with all the other furniture back in position. I am thinking of making a rug for this room from a pattern I have found in a book, but know it will be a HUGE amount of work!! I already have the canvas and silk thread needed but it will take a very long time, if I ever get it started, before that there are curtains to make!! Needle and thread! I can already feel a cold sweat starting at the mention of those words!! ;)
I bought a few other things, which are in the Swan Inn, and I will do a post about them soon, I need to get some good pictures of them first!